banyuwangi to ijen

Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen

Recently, an erupting volcano in Hawaii has created a chaotic situation. Many people are evacuated in order to avoid the danger. But, does it make the volcano a bad thing in the overall Hawaii tourism? The fact is on the contrary. The volcano is one of the most attractive factors of Hawaii. The same thing occurs in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Banyuwangi Tour to IjenThe Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen is that amazing because of the volcano exotic beauty. The tourists can start the journey from Bali and Banyuwangi but the superstar, Ijen, will never disappoint the tourists. Besides, it will be amazing to experience the rare beauty of Ijen among the beautiful heritage of colonialism around Banyuwangi.

Let’s start with the Ijen profile. The Ijen volcano is not the highest volcano in East Java. It is also not the most commercial icon of East Java tourist spots. However, there is something really special about the volcano. Tourists will never forget their journey in Ijen, Banyuwangi because of the international recognition. Ijen Crater Tour from Banyuwangi is one of the must visit destination for your travel bucket list in Indonesia.

Tourists will love to anticipate these factors when deciding to take Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen:

  1. Breathtaking View of Ijen Volcano

The beauty of Ijen is unimaginably outstanding. People might guess that the volcano offers the green landscape and wonderful exotic atmosphere at the same time. However, Ijen promises another beauty of a natural wonder. Ijen tour takes the outdoor tour into a next level. It will show tourists how the Blue Fire will be their best moment to treasure for a lifetime. The Blue Fire tour was not opened until the international media published about the beauty of the natural phenomenon. Today, the tour will invite tourists to start the journey in the middle of a night. After several hours trekking to the steep slopes, the tourists will arrive at the Blue Fire hunting spot. This natural beauty is paralleled to the prettiness of Aurora in Haleakala volcano in Hawaii.

  1. Ijen Turqoise Lake

It is common that people can find a lake around a mountain or a volcano. However, it will be rewarding to visit a beautiful volcano with an acidic lake. Plus, the lake looks so stunning with its turquoise water. The color looks thick and beautiful. However, no one will dare to swim on such hazardous lake. Everything will melt away within seconds in the lake. Yet, that is still the strong factor of attraction in ijen tour.

  1. Sulfur Chunk Miners

The locals of Ijen make a living by mining the sulfur chunks. They have to carry the heavy loads on two traditional baskets. They need to go up to the hills back and forth for a small earning. Tourists can find many sellers sell small crafts for souvenirs. It is never a bad idea to buy the products just to help the sellers and crafters.

Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen Preparation

Visiting the Ijen volcano does not require the skills of hiking experts. It is not that easy but it does not need special hiking tools like sticks or anything else. Tourists do need to only have the passion for enjoying the natural phenomena as in Ijen tour. In addition, it is also possible to conquer the place with the family full team. Most families are afraid to go to outdoor tour due to the landscape. Yet, Ijen has no that extreme track.Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen

However, there are still various challenges that tourists might face during Banyuwangi tour to Ijen. For instance, the extreme weather might occur. There are times that thick fog with the smells of sulfur attacks. The tourists should thus get prepared well with masks to anticipate that kind of situations. Besides, the itinerary will make the tourists climb up the steep track of Ijen early in the morning and even in the midnight.

We can always find the lists of stuff that we need for an outdoor tour. However, Ijen Crater Tour from Banyuwangi requires more masks and respiratory aid kits. Besides, some people might not aware of the challenging landscape of the spot. Hiking shoes and comfortable outfit are a must. Tourists will need to move freely as they have to climb up the steep slope for some hours. Additionally, the weather can be too cold. Not to mention the smell of the sulfur that they will inhale along the journey. Yet, the trip will provide unforgettable moments for everyone.

In addition, tourists need to pick the best time to take Banyuwangi Tour to Ijen. This is important for those who want to experience the best view in Ijen trip. A too crowded place will usually reduce the sacredness of the atmosphere, which is the main purpose of an outdoor trip. Pick your best time, save money, and free the hassle with the help from the expert.


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