Tag Archive for: How far are Bromo and Ijen from Yogyakarta

Borobudur Tour and Travel Package

In the past, the international world did not recognize Indonesia as a rich and gorgeous country. However, Bali is famous ever since. Even, the international tourists only recognized Indonesia after Bali. Yet, Indonesia is way better today.

Borobudur tour and travel package

Borobudur tour and travel package

The whole universe now knows Bali is a small part of Indonesia archipelago. And it is no longer a secret that the biggest Buddhist temple is located in central Java, Indonesia. Likewise, it is always a great for people take the whole tour of Bali and Java to explore Indonesia. Borobudur tour and travel package from Bali are tailored for everyone.

Visit Indonesia has special offers each month. Tourists need to check the schedule to get the best tour in Indonesia. But for Yogyakarta and Borobudur tour, any months will do. Borobudur will look pretty in all seasons. However, tourists need to be sure that they pick the right month to avoid slippery roads. Borobudur is also a brilliant itinerary for a New Year holiday. Many people pick Bali for yearend trip. That is due to the popularity of Bali and beaches.

But in high seasons, Bali can be crowded. For a better and more peaceful trip, Yogyakarta can be a great choice. Various new destinations and world-class services are available in this memorable city for you to enjoy. Therefore, Bali is not the only choice. However, if tourists have longer time span they can take Borobudur tour and travel package after visiting Bali. It covers Borobudur, Yogyakarta city tour, and some lovely places in Bali as the main destination.

Bali Ijen Bromo Yogyakarta

Tourists have several options for Bali and Borobudur tour and travel package. There are various tour destinations international travelers can include. Some of the tourist spots are listed in the Indonesia tourism programs. Government campaign Visit Indonesia encouraged all components to be ready to welcome the tourists; both locals and internationals. In Bali, the services are getting better. Tourists can pick from the cheapest homestay to the most luxurious hotels. Villas and resorts are available as well.

People can spend the whole week for a honeymoon in taking Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali tour. They can enjoy the most serene place with the beautiful natural sound in Bali resorts. In addition, people can simply walk around and enjoy the atmosphere of thick Hinduism tradition in Bali. Tourists will even find the essence of a real holiday in a tropical country. When would it happen? When they enjoy a special dish of seafood while listening to the song by professional street singer in Bali.

Bali is also lovely for the unique cuisine. Sometimes, the legendary cuisine is served in a simple place. Once tourists go to Batur Mountain just to enjoy the view, they will pass Mentari Restaurant by. In this place, the best fried banana is served. In some other places, Bali is also surprising. All of the locations and villages in Bali are still in a humble look and traditional ambiance. People should be very careful when entering the places. In some areas, tourists have to wear a special piece of fabric to cover their bodies. But tourists do not have to worry about the attire. Bali is hot and so they can wear casual clothes and even beach attire. The special fabric is available in each restricted places.

Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali Tour

The sweet things about a holiday is that they can be themselves during the trip. People need to feel free while exploring some places. Besides, the itineraries should fit the tourist’s expectation and interest at the same time. And all that people expect from a cultural trip and outdoor trip is in this package.

Borobudur tour and travel package

Borobudur tour and travel package

People can explore Borobudur and ask anything that they want to know to the expert tour guide. If the tourists are eager to watch Javanese ballet performance, they need to go to Prambanan. The colossal dance performance will be held both indoor and in the outdoor theater. It is also possible tourists include Batik and Wayang museum tour in the package.

Borobudur tour and travel package with Bromo and Ijen itinerary will be other experience of challenge. It is way better to call it as a journey. Tourists will need to climb up the stairs to reach the viewpoint before enjoying the most expensive sunrise in the world. Both Bromo and Ijen tour offer the excellent journey of sunrise. Therefore, the tours will start early in the morning and even during midnight. In Ijen, tourists will find a wonderful experience with Blue Fire phenomenon. But they need to pass the challenging trekking before that. The weather can be extremely cold as well. People should therefore get ready with the jacket, boots, scarf, gloves, mask, and anything.

The best way to complete the journey is to start from Borobudur tour and travel package. Bali will be the best closure. Tourists can easily reach Bali from Ijen, Banyuwangi. The locations make it comfortable for tourists to leave for Bali from Banyuwangi.

The Charm of Borobudur Tour and Travel Package

Talking about the trip to Borobudur to Bali will be incomplete without mentioning the charm and myth. There will be some sacred places and mysterious stories about the places. All of the heritage sites are gorgeous and charming at the same time. There are also stories that often relate to metaphysic things with the places. However, the stories seem perfect with the color of the cultural richness of Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java and Bali. Even the ethnicities like Tengger will make the tour more unforgettable. There will be the ceremony of Yadnya Kasada with its sacred atmosphere. In Bali, tourists can easily encounter a group of men wearing white clothes and sarong marching to their ancestor’s cemetery. The people will play traditional music while walking to the destination.

Every detail experience in Borobudur tour and travel package is worth trying. It will be great to experience it with loved ones. People can even invite friends and colleagues. It is cool to go alone because of the privacy, but it is not bad to share the joy with so many people. Contact the customer service today and get a free quote!

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

There are many tour packages with cultural attractions in Southeast Asia. Many of the heritage sites are spectacular. However, the beauty of Borobudur stays irresistible. The authority of tourism in Indonesia lists Borobudur as one of the classiest tour destinations.

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

The international world recognizes Borobudur as one of the seven wonders. There are also myths and mysterious stories of Borobudur that tourists want to reveal. Today, Borobudur is not only an icon but a great site of cultural richness. Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package is ready to book.

What can tourists get from Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package? The package includes transportation and accommodation. It is possible tourists pick the hotels or resorts that they want to enjoy. Yogyakarta is famous for the Javanese culture and royal life. Therefore, it is recommended that tourists take a resort or hotel with the theme of Javanese interior and exterior designs. Therefore, tourists will be able to taste Javanese culture right from their bedroom. It is also possible people pick the nearest hotel to Borobudur. Even, tourists can stay in the local’s house in the traditional village around Borobudur.

Yogyakarta Bromo Bali tour price

Borobudur is pretty at all times. Yet, Borobudur sunrise tour is a good tour itinerary to enjoy. Tourists can go up the seven terraces of it and enjoy the reliefs on the wall. Several statues of Budha in Borobudur have magical look. The stupas and giant architecture of Borobudur are the features that make the temple special. The tour guide will show how Borobudur means to the local and the history of Borobudur. The glorious past of Javanese royal kingdom appears on various walls of Borobudur. That is why tourists will feel like traveling back in time when visiting the place.

Borobudur gives more than excitement for all visitors. People will be unable to forget the moment easily. In addition, tourists can arrange itineraries to visit the royal palace and other royal sites. Tourists will love the serene atmosphere at the Taman Sari, the royal garden. It is a place with an ancient pool and stunning garden. People say that the place is a little chilling. However, the prettiness of the garden will give another beautiful moment of Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package.

What about the resort? What is more romantic than to stay in a place with the view of a beautiful mountain? Bhayagiri is one of the best options. The place is peaceful and heavenly at the same time. People will find a warmth and romantic time in the resort. There are many other preferences that tourists can find. They can just consult the place that they want with the tour and travel agency. Yogyakarta Bromo Bali tour price will depend on the accommodations and itineraries that tourists want to experience.

Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali Tour Price

Most of the time, people worry about the rates of a holiday. They think too much of considerations and make the holiday remains a plan. Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali tour price are not over-budget, but it worths the satisfaction. People can make it simple and affordable if they want to.

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

People can pick all luxurious accommodations for the best trip. Yet, they can always save on their holiday. One way to make the dream come true is to find a reliable tour and travel agency. The agency will help the clients to pick the best package for the best deal.

The tour from Yogyakarta to Bali will be a quite long trip. It covers two big islands of Java and Bali. After Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package, tourists will leave for East Java to see Bromo and Ijen. Therefore, tourists should explore the places in their very best health condition. Besides, it is recommended that tourists have a good knowledge of the climates and natural conditions so they are ready with the right outfit.

Doing the tour in Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package will enrich the tourists well. They will find various cultural and ethnicities in all regions that they visit. The strong royal life and Javanese tradition in Yogyakarta make the city wonderful. After that, tourists will visit the active volcano of Bromo. Tenggerese people will welcome the tourists in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Right after that, tourists will move to Ijen and Banyuwangi with different ethnics. People might live in the same area of East Java, but they have different traditions and ethnic. People even talk with different folk languages. But tourists do not have to worry about it since the professional tour guide will guide the trip in a fluent English.

Yogyakarta Bali Tour Packages Details

The Destinations can be varied depending on the requests of the clients. Most of the time, people find the itineraries are too long and tiring. If that is the condition, they can ask to drop one or two destinations. The rates will be cheaper as they remove several destinations. However, it will be hard to skip some destinations in Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package with East Java and Bali extended trip. The Borobudur sunrise tour will not be that simple. You will actually experience a series of the magical trip just in one destination of Borobudur.

If you have any question about Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package, you can always go online and email the customer service to get any information that you want to know. You can also chat the  customer service through the website. The online system will be very helpful. People do not have to call the hotels and ticketing application to book a quote. The trusted Java Travelline will help professionally. The agency has been experienced for years and serve people from all over the world. The tour guide is professional, and the team will be ready to serve their clients professionally. The customer service speaks English fluently to answer the call from international clients. Call the agency now!

Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour

There is something about Yogyakarta. It is hard to describe this city without actually visit it once. The city is serene but the creativity is advanced. The place has a preserved royal culture but, it crawls into a super modern generation.

Yogyakarta to Bromo tour

Yogyakarta to Bromo tour

Yogyakarta is full of energy through its new facilities. However, the city remains a mystery with its countless ancient artifact, temples and fortress. Yogyakarta is never a simple place to visit at a glance. This is a city with a deep history and story. Yogyakarta today is way different to the classic one. There are various new cafes, resorts, and outdoor tour destinations to visit. And it is always nice to visit Yogyakarta before leaving for the majestic Bromo in East Java. Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour is a great Java Tour. Tour Ijen Baluran Menjangan will it perfect. Trip Ijen Baluran Menjangan 2018 is ready to entertain.

Being one of two special regions in Indonesia, Yogyakarta is truly the best idea for a city tour and cultural-based trip. A lot of factors make the region special. The first thing is royalty. Besides, some grand heritage sites from the past dynasty are in Yogyakarta. The city also has a strong attraction between museums and crafts. Visitors will love Yogyakarta for the cheap culinary and cuisines as well. Once tourists go to Yogyakarta, they will fall in love with the warm welcome of the Javanese. The locals will be pleased to serve the tourists the best. The humbleness of Yogyakarta is one of the most heartwarming sides of the city that the tourists will treasure. Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour is a travel passing three region; Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. Yet, it will not be too exhausting because of a professional driver and a high-quality car.

Tour Ijen Baluran Menjangan

Tourists can consult with the tour and travel agency whether they want to enjoy the cultural sides of Yogyakarta or the outdoor sides. The city tour package is also available. Among many kinds of temples in Yogyakarta, tourists should never exclude Borobudur. There are priceless features around Borobudur that people will treasure. For instance, the prettiness of the temple that has a mysterious history and more.  Only after that, tourists can pick other destinations and leave the place for a more epic site in East Java. Yogyakarta to Bromo takes several hours by car. But the travel will just worth the tiredness and cost.

After Borobudur, Bromo will be another breathtaking icon of Java travel. The view and the sunrise in Bromo are unmatched to other places in the world. People might find the same amazement when they see the sunrise in other great places. But Bromo has its own charm. This place never fails to give people instant refreshment. After Bromo, tourists will love to go to Ijen; a volcano with a rare phenomenon of turquoise lake and the Blue Fire.

Yet, will Ijen be the last place in East Java Outdoor tour? People need to know that it is actually just half of the excitement. It is necessary that people in their best condition when taking this Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour. They need to be fit to complete the journey. After Borobudur, Bromo and Ijen, tourists will go to Baluran and Menjangan.

Trip Ijen Baluran Menjangan 2018

It is a huge loss to exclude Baluran and Menjangan in Ijen tour. Tourists do not have to pay the additional cost for reaching the locations. All of them are around Banyuwangi. Besides, the three destinations are totally different.

Yogyakarta to Bromo tour

Yogyakarta to Bromo tour

Though all of them are outdoor tour sites, the places provide different impressions and excitement. In addition, the destinations are all stunning for the different rare beauty. All of the places are listed as National Park. But when the tourists visit them, they will know each of the places has special features.

Baluran is famous for the name Little Africa in Java. That is no joke. The place has a vast area of Savannah with exotic wildlife. The animals might be different from that of the African forest. However, it is not too much to say this place has the conservation area. The location is not only the home of wonderful wildlife but also a real ecosystem of wildlife, trees, and plantation. Savannah Bekol, Evergreen Forest, and Bama underwater garden are parts of this national park. Many other iconic sites are in the area of Baluran. Tourists can include the sites or just visit the main attraction of wildlife watching in the Baluran forest.

Menjangan Island, on the other hand, is a stunning place in Bali. Technically, the site is located in Bali but tourists can enjoy it in the package. Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour and Ijen will not be that tiring as tourists close the tour with Menjangan trip. The place is a small heaven to enjoy before leaving Java, Indonesia.

Menjangan Island Hopping

Tourists can visit a small but enchanting temple on the island. It has amazing scenery but, tourists should never miss the opportunity to go snorkeling in the island. The tour includes island hopping that will give tourists excitement. The tour guide will show the best spot for tourists to go swimming, fishing, and snorkeling. Tourists do not have to bring the snorkeling tools since rentals are available. The cost of the gear is usually included in the main cost of Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour Package with Ijen, Baluran, and Menjangan additional trip.

Every destination in the package is thrilling and unforgettable. That is why tourists should be on their best conditions when taking the Yogyakarta to Bromo Tour package. A professional tour and travel agency know how to arrange the best trip with excellent hotel rooms to help tourists maintain their health during the trip. So, it is important tourists find the best partner for the tour. Java Travelline is definitely one of the best options. The travel agency is experienced and professional. Visit the site and get a quote instantly.

Borobudur Sunrise Tour

Many people have shown a deep and sincere amazement after visiting Borobudur. Many things are irresistible in the Borobudur tour. Many visitors even feel a spiritual experience when visiting the temple. That is so because the architecture of Borobudur is amazing. The size and the detail reliefs of the temple often give people a special feeling. The temple was a product of the past. Yet, it has the beauty that lasts.

Borobudur Sunrise Tour

Borobudur Sunrise Tour

Borobudur sunrise tour is not only a great itinerary, but also memorable one. Borobudur trip from Jakarta offers a great entertainment. Yogyakarta itinerary 5 days are for everyone.

People always trace back to the past as they visit a place with the sign of the past golden era. People will see Borobudur as a symbol of a great kingdom. At that very moment, two religions developed greatly in the same area. That is why the temple of Buddhism and another temple of Hinduism were made almost at the same time or at least era. That shows there were excellent civilizations in Java during that era. Besides, visitors might want to learn the real life of people around Borobudur in the given years. The reliefs and sculptures around Borobudur tell the true story of their pilgrimage, daily life, and even the crimes of the locals in the past.

Borobudur also shows high craftsmanship of ancient Javanese. The superb and detail relief on the wall of Borobudur provides an impressive image of the temple. People need to visit the place more than once just to learn the prettiness of the wall. Besides, the technique of Borobudur architecture is extraordinary. It was built on top of a hill so the grand look of the temple can deliver more charm.

Borobudur Trip from Jakarta

Borobudur sunrise tour will be a dream tour for everyone. The best spot for it is from Punthuk Setumbu. The tour can be started in any directions. From Jakarta, tourists can go by public transportations or private vehicles. Tour and travel agents will give the best options if it is all in the tour package. However, if tourists want to reach Borobudur by solo traveling, they can take overnight trains or bus. It takes around 6 hours from Jakarta to Magelang. Because of the distance, tourists will need to take a rest before leaving for the temple. A journey to Borobudur temple requires much energy because people need to climb up the temple. Thus, it is recommended that people reserve a hotel room before leaving. There are various options to choose from.

Tourists can enjoy five-starred hotels or low-budget homestay as well. They can even choose to take a good rest in a real home in the traditional village around Borobudur. The location of Borobudur Temple is so vast, so people need to walk to reach the main site. Before going up the temple, people will need to go around the traditional market of souvenir shops. The view is breathtaking, and people will need to snap some pictures before actually entering the site.

When taking a tour in Borobudur, tourists need to extend their tour for Yogyakarta city tour in order to get the best experience. Even, people usually list Borobudur sunrise tour in Yogyakarta tour package due to the locations. After spending some times in Borobudur and admiring the beauty, tourists can go to the museum nearby to learn the old artifacts of Syailendra Dynasty. Besides, people can ride a traditional horse cart called Andong to the nearest traditional village.

Yogyakarta Itinerary 5 Days

It has been long known that Yogyakarta is a must visit the region for those who want to op timize their holiday in Java, Indonesia. There are countless destinations to visit while in Yogyakarta. The Borobudur sunrise tour is the star. Yet, tourists need to know the detail itineraries before leaving.

Borobudur Sunrise Tour

Borobudur Sunrise Tour

Day 1: Tourists will do the Yogyakarta city tour. It includes culinary tours with the best dishes of Yogyakarta. First of all, tourists can enjoy the breakfast with Nasi Gudeg or Pecel (traditional Javanese salad with peanut sauce dressing). After that, tourists will go to Beringharjo Market. The city tour will be a great shopping experience for tourists will spend their precious time to walk around the famous Malioboro. Day 2 will be the museum tours that include Art Museums and Affandy Museum. Right after that, people will get amazed to see the beautiful puppet art at Sonobudoyo Museum.

The Third Day will be the most enchanting one. Tourists will go to the majestic Borobudur Temple. They can take Borobudur sunrise tour for enjoying the tropical sunrise to crack upon one of the most beautiful ancient sites in the whole universe. Day 3 will also be unforgettable since tourists will visit Prambanan Temple. It is the best site where tourists can enjoy a live dance performance of Ramayana Ballet. Visitors can goto Trimurti Theater to watch the show indoor. Yet, the more enchanting show is performed at the open-air theater at the temple. The serene moments of Ramayana theater performed by more than 200 dancers will give tourists excellent experience. They graceful dance will give tourists a great start for Day 4 outdoor tours to caves, beaches, and volcanoes. Mangunan Fruit Garden is the best closure for the tour.

The Conclusion

A Borobudur tour is one of the world class tours for both cultural and outdoor tours. People can see the deep meaning of Javanese culture through Borobudur. In addition, people will be able to see the spectacular glory of the past within the architecture of the temple. People will be satisfied with the itineraries especially if they take the Borobudur Sunrise tour from a professional tour and travel agent. The agent will help the valued customers to make an online reservation and check the schedules at the same time. There are usually many agents offering the same itineraries. However, people need to be sure they consult the right tour operator for the best tour and cost. One of the best services is Java Travelline. Call the service and natural luxury in the serene view of Borobudur.

Borobudur Tours and Travel  Services

Borobudur is still one of the most amazing temples in the world. The beauty of the architecture is irreplaceable. People will fall in love with the temple once they step on the first floor of the temple. Even in the modern era, such a masterpiece is quite impossible to create. People can enjoy the majestical look of a Buddhist temple while shopping for cheap souvenir around the area.

Borobudur Tours and Travel

Borobudur Tours and Travel

Borobudur Tours and Travel  offers a package of the outdoor tour. Borobudur tour package price is worth the beautiful spots. Borobudur and Prambanan tour  will be unforgettable. The tour will the most beautiful trip in Yogyakarta package.

Borobudur has been the world heritage of Buddhist temple for decades. It is one of the seven wonders that the world keeps admire. The beauty of Borobudur is not only in the physical appearance but also the stories and philosophy. The history of Borobudur is an essential part of Indonesian’s civilization. Besides, people also love the greatness of Borobudur making. Even, some myths inside the history make the story more admirable.

Borobudur area is the sacred place with the atmosphere of royal life. The area is close to the palace of Sultan. There are also museums around the temple. Besides, tourists can spend a fabulous day in the nearby traditional village. The traditional village will teach foreigners to live the way Javanese live. Even, the visitors can spend a night in the villager’s house. They can dine together and enjoy the culinary richness of the village. In addition to the Borobudur temple, travelers can pick Prambanan as one of the itineraries. Borobudur and Prambanan tour are included in the package so the tourist can enjoy their cultural tour within one trip. Prambanan is also spectacular. It has the dance performance and wonderful scenery where tourists can’t stop snapping pictures.

Borobudur Tour Package Price

Borobudur Tours and Travel  agent opens high-quality service through the online site. Besides, it is also an efficient service for foreign travelers who are first-timers. For most travelers, especially the international travelers, Indonesia is a notorious country with complicated traffic and transportation. The public transportation in Indonesia is not so comfortable for those who do not know the tricks. So, to use the service of an online travel agent is a brilliant idea.

Borobudur Tours and Travel

Borobudur Tours and Travel

The price depends on the itineraries and hotel rooms that they pick. The facilities will not be bad even though the tourists take the economical package. The travel agents will usually help the tourists to tailor the best tourist destinations with their budget.
They can communicate the types of hotel rooms that they want to enjoy and search for the best rate for that need. Besides, they can actually pick homestay or hostel in order to reduce the cost. There are various options that they can find in Yogyakarta. Besides, there are some spots that tourists might want to exclude to cut the price. They can also consult it with the travel agent.

For those who are traveling solo, Yogyakarta can be a wonderful destination. The people are friendly and most of them are helpful. So, travelers will rarely find difficulties in reaching tourist spots in Yogyakarta. Borobudur Tours and Travel  agency will even help people to simplify the itinerary to meet their interest. With the experienced travel agent, high quality packages will be tailored for the best satisfaction. Tourists do not have to worry about the services since reliable agents will collaborate with trusted traveling companies and facility providers to serve the best.

The Borobudur and Prambanan Tour Itinerary

Some tourists only want to reveal the cultural sides of Yogyakarta. There are ancient temples with the royal history. There are also some museums with Batik and other high-quality artworks in Yogyakarta. In addition, tourists will love to learn and watch the traditional dances. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta is also famous for its creativity and home industries. The tourist spots include the villages and factories. Besides, people can also visit the natural richness and outdoor tourist spots. The beaches of Yogyakarta are spectacular. And the visitors can go to the Merapi volcano to enjoy the

Though the title is Borobudur and Prambanan tour the itinerary covers various places. But the travelers can still arrange the best itinerary that fits their need. Borobudur Tours and Travel  company will make the itinerary as comfortable. First of all, tourists will be given various top options of Yogyakarta tours.

Borobudur Tours and Travel

Borobudur Tours and Travel

1. Classes and Workshops

There are classes and workshops that the tourists can enjoy. Travelers will love the Batik class and other cultural workshops. Some dancing courses are also available. If tourists want to try playing the traditional music, gamelan workshops can give them a great chance.

2. Cultural and Theme Tours

This will include the tours to some traditional villages, palaces, and other destinations. The Borobudur Tours and Travel  will be the biggest portion of this tour. People will be stunned with the amazing details of Borobudur temple. The genius art inside each relief and sculpture make the temple one of the most brilliant ones in the entire universe.

3. Day Trip

This tour will cover several popular destinations in the city center of Yogyakarta. Museums and palaces will be included.

4. Culinary Excursions

Yogyakarta is a one-stop region with high-class culinary. People can now enjoy royal cuisines and culinary products by dining in the royal restaurant. But the street foods are never disappointing. Yogyakarta is a famous place with legendary culinary. The rates for foods are affordable in Yogyakarta. Even in a big mall and shopping center, the foods are relatively cheap.

Borobudur Tours and Travel  Agent

Borobudur Tours and Travel  will give tourist satisfaction. The itineraries will be more than stunning. People can not only learn the core beauty of Javanese culture in the tour but also learn the deep philosophy at the same time. There are actually many other temples that tourists will love. But the stars will be Borobudur and Prambanan. It will be easy to fall in love with the people and atmosphere of Yogyakarta. The natural beauty is irresistible as well. Call  trusted online Borobudur Tours and Travel  agent right now and book a seat.