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Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

Yogyakarta is a special destination for almost everyone, Indonesian and international tourist. Many tourists give a wonderful testimony for their Yogyakarta tour. Friendly people and warm welcoming culture give the feeling it is so much comfortable to visit the very place. Many wonderful places in in itinerary Yogyakarta city tour are worth exploring. Listed below are among best things to do in Yogyakarta. What are they? Check this out.

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

  1. Include Borobudur sunrise tour. Yogyakarta excursion will be like a spiritual journey because of the sacred temple tours. For Borobudur, people can simply climb the stairs to see what is on the top of the Buddhist temple. But most importantly, tourists need to enjoy the luxury of sunrise over Borobudur. You have the option to take the sunrise from the Puntuk Setumbu or Manohara.
  2. Join the cave trekking trip at Goa Jomblang, a superb cave located in Gunung Kidul (an hour from the city center). Indeed, the destination will not be listed in itinerary Yogyakarta city tour for a city nerd but it will be worth visiting. Tourists will be lowered down 60 meters before entering the system of the cave. The best spot of this tour will be the Grubug Cave. The system is hidden under the sinkhole in which a natural forest be the part of the cave system. It is simply amazing. When the sun rises, the light will go through the hole on the cave roof. It looks like a natural spotlight.
  3. Hop offroad vehicles to witness the traces of Merapi eruption or go for Merapi Volcano hiking. With these amazing itineraries, the itinerary is best called the Indiana Jones tour. Don’t be afraid of taking this challenging tour. You will see the different sides of Yogyakarta trip by taking this package.

What To Do To Enjoy The Yogyakarta Excursion

1. Arrange the schedule well

The first thing to do is to arrange the right schedule to experience the best sides from the trip. Some of the tour spots might locate near each other; some others are away too far. For example, it takes approximately 2 hours to go to Borobudur from the city. Prambanan takes another 2 hours from Borobudur. Therefore to get pleasure with Borobudur sunrise, Ramayana Ballet performance at Prambanan and the sunset moment in Ratu Boko, tourists need to mind the timing.

2.Dress Well

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

It is true Yogyakarta welcomes foreign tourists well. However, the complex of temples is still occupied for some religious ceremonies. There will be some Buddhist, or Hindu Priests do their rituals around the temples. Therefore, tourists have to be sure they dress properly. There is nothing wrong with shorts or skirts. Yet, it is important to avoid too revealing dresses. Yogyakarta weather is not extremely hot, so it will be comfortable to wear casual attire like T Shirt and pants. The temples’ areas are normally vast and tourists need to walk and climb a lot. So, it is recommended they wear comfortable clothes and shoes or even flipflops.

3.Take Your Time

When you pick the itinerary Yogyakarta City Touryou need to take your time. You should stick to the schedule but still enjoy your time well. Just get relaxed when walking up the stairs in Borobudur and other temples. Each detail on the temples’ walls is too beautiful to ignore. So, you need to go slowly to get the essence of the cultural trip.

What Not To Do To Enjoy Yogyakarta tour

1.Don’t just take any package

Scrutinize the itinerary and compare the prices and services. So, how much does it cost? There are always different rates of the itinerary Yogyakarta city tour offered by different tour and travel agencies. Therefore, it will be important to choose only a professional travel agency that offers a fair price without any scam. Yogyakarta tour is offered at the best rates according to service offered. If the itineraries do not fit the excitement of the tourists, they can ask for a tailored itinerary.

2.Don’t get a package based on the popularity

You need to be creative and avoid visiting only popular places. Learning the culture and language is always interesting; you can visit various kinds of tour destinations. Yogyakarta City tour can be tailored in different types. The first type is the sweet getaway. The package will include a trip to a popular place only in the city of Yogyakarta. It will be a romantic trip in a Yogyakarta city with tons of great spots for photography. In addition, tourists will need to also get prepared for heritage tours. The tour includes all historical places in Yogyakarta including temples, royal palace, royal garden, museums, and many others.

3.Don’t litter

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

Itinerary Yogyakarta City Tour

Tourists are always free to take any tour they like; a romantic gateway or impressive heritage tour. What is the best from Yogyakarta tour is the culturally rich culinary. Various kinds of food offered at a reasonable price. Tourists can choose to eat street food while enjoying listening to the entertaining street singer or dine in a restaurant with more privacy. No matter tour package you take or the place you choose for eating, it is always important to be a responsible tourist by keeping the surrounding clean..

Make your Own Perfect Tailored Package

To get the most feel of the itinerary Yogyakarta city tourtourists should pick the best arrangement for the trip. After arranging the schedule, tourists have to pack proper clothes when visiting Yogyakarta. The last thing to prepare is their mind and soul; just get relaxed and don’t rush when exploring the city. Tourists should never skip Borobudur sunrise tour, the trekking to Jombland Cave, and of course the adventure in Merapi Lava Tour. It is necessary for tourists to entrust only professional travel agencies to get the right package with the best deal. Next, tourists have to dress properly in various itineraries of Yogyakarta tour.

Tourist might start exploring Indonesia from Yogyakarta then move to Bromo, Ijen, and then Bali. It will take the whole week or even more. The itineraries will be designed to give tourists great stamina once a certain trip is about to begin. The hotels and resorts options are amazing. First of all, the tourists can stay in a boutique hotel in Yogyakarta before leaving for a more stunning option in other destinations. The package is offered for a group tour and a private tour. It will be comfortable to let the experts arrange the tour for you. Call us now.

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

There are many tour packages with cultural attractions in Southeast Asia. Many of the heritage sites are spectacular. However, the beauty of Borobudur stays irresistible. The authority of tourism in Indonesia lists Borobudur as one of the classiest tour destinations.

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

The international world recognizes Borobudur as one of the seven wonders. There are also myths and mysterious stories of Borobudur that tourists want to reveal. Today, Borobudur is not only an icon but a great site of cultural richness. Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package is ready to book.

What can tourists get from Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package? The package includes transportation and accommodation. It is possible tourists pick the hotels or resorts that they want to enjoy. Yogyakarta is famous for the Javanese culture and royal life. Therefore, it is recommended that tourists take a resort or hotel with the theme of Javanese interior and exterior designs. Therefore, tourists will be able to taste Javanese culture right from their bedroom. It is also possible people pick the nearest hotel to Borobudur. Even, tourists can stay in the local’s house in the traditional village around Borobudur.

Yogyakarta Bromo Bali tour price

Borobudur is pretty at all times. Yet, Borobudur sunrise tour is a good tour itinerary to enjoy. Tourists can go up the seven terraces of it and enjoy the reliefs on the wall. Several statues of Budha in Borobudur have magical look. The stupas and giant architecture of Borobudur are the features that make the temple special. The tour guide will show how Borobudur means to the local and the history of Borobudur. The glorious past of Javanese royal kingdom appears on various walls of Borobudur. That is why tourists will feel like traveling back in time when visiting the place.

Borobudur gives more than excitement for all visitors. People will be unable to forget the moment easily. In addition, tourists can arrange itineraries to visit the royal palace and other royal sites. Tourists will love the serene atmosphere at the Taman Sari, the royal garden. It is a place with an ancient pool and stunning garden. People say that the place is a little chilling. However, the prettiness of the garden will give another beautiful moment of Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package.

What about the resort? What is more romantic than to stay in a place with the view of a beautiful mountain? Bhayagiri is one of the best options. The place is peaceful and heavenly at the same time. People will find a warmth and romantic time in the resort. There are many other preferences that tourists can find. They can just consult the place that they want with the tour and travel agency. Yogyakarta Bromo Bali tour price will depend on the accommodations and itineraries that tourists want to experience.

Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali Tour Price

Most of the time, people worry about the rates of a holiday. They think too much of considerations and make the holiday remains a plan. Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali tour price are not over-budget, but it worths the satisfaction. People can make it simple and affordable if they want to.

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package

People can pick all luxurious accommodations for the best trip. Yet, they can always save on their holiday. One way to make the dream come true is to find a reliable tour and travel agency. The agency will help the clients to pick the best package for the best deal.

The tour from Yogyakarta to Bali will be a quite long trip. It covers two big islands of Java and Bali. After Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package, tourists will leave for East Java to see Bromo and Ijen. Therefore, tourists should explore the places in their very best health condition. Besides, it is recommended that tourists have a good knowledge of the climates and natural conditions so they are ready with the right outfit.

Doing the tour in Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package will enrich the tourists well. They will find various cultural and ethnicities in all regions that they visit. The strong royal life and Javanese tradition in Yogyakarta make the city wonderful. After that, tourists will visit the active volcano of Bromo. Tenggerese people will welcome the tourists in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Right after that, tourists will move to Ijen and Banyuwangi with different ethnics. People might live in the same area of East Java, but they have different traditions and ethnic. People even talk with different folk languages. But tourists do not have to worry about it since the professional tour guide will guide the trip in a fluent English.

Yogyakarta Bali Tour Packages Details

The Destinations can be varied depending on the requests of the clients. Most of the time, people find the itineraries are too long and tiring. If that is the condition, they can ask to drop one or two destinations. The rates will be cheaper as they remove several destinations. However, it will be hard to skip some destinations in Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package with East Java and Bali extended trip. The Borobudur sunrise tour will not be that simple. You will actually experience a series of the magical trip just in one destination of Borobudur.

If you have any question about Yogyakarta Borobudur Tour Package, you can always go online and email the customer service to get any information that you want to know. You can also chat the  customer service through the website. The online system will be very helpful. People do not have to call the hotels and ticketing application to book a quote. The trusted Java Travelline will help professionally. The agency has been experienced for years and serve people from all over the world. The tour guide is professional, and the team will be ready to serve their clients professionally. The customer service speaks English fluently to answer the call from international clients. Call the agency now!

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta

It is always fascinating to read the articles about Borobudur. It is an ancient Buddhist temple of Syailendra Dynasty. But more than that, scholars still wonder the real functions, the making and the meaning of the temple. The origin of Borobudur is a mystery because such big temple was made with detail relief of excellent craftsmanship.

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta

It is hard to believe that such grand design of the temple was made in an ancient time. Both technology and priceless sculpture on the temple complex look impossible to complete in the predicted year of Syailendra era. Besides, some theories tell interesting stories of Borobudur origin. Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta is exclusive tour to reveal the interesting history.

One exciting story shows some evidence that Borobudur is actually a giant clock. The architecture was perfect to tell the time. The position of the temple is in the right direction perfectly. The sun will create shadows, and the main statue’s shadow will tell the time. That will be the interesting fact about this amazing temple. Besides, some theories say that Borobudur was a project to celebrate the golden era of Buddhism. However, some suggest that the temple is the symbol of unity and peace. The last interesting theory is the one that tells about Borobudur relations to King Solomon’s story. Though there are various versions and literature that show the locations of King Solomon, Borobudur remains a good temple to relate with the history of Solomon. People even say that Ratu Boko Temple, Sleman, and other terms are real evidence for this myth. Those places are optional in the Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta.

Borobudur Tour and Travel Package

Borobudur tour package is offered for all tourists from all pickup locations. People can even start the tour from Jakarta. Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta will be reachable by any kinds of public transportation. Tourists can take a flight from Jakarta to Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur. It will take several hours from the airport to Magelang, the location of Borobudur temple. Besides, it is possible to use trains. It will be comfortable to use trains, night bus or car from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. New highways make the travel shorter. That is why it will not be that annoying anymore to take a bus or car to reach Yogyakarta from Jakarta.

Yogyakarta is a nice region with various tourist spots. This special region is a good spot for a city tour. However, it will be more satisfying to consult the tour and travel agent so tourists can get a tailored package that suits their interest. For instance, Borobudur tour and package might include a tour in a traditional village around. If tourists do not really want to include it, they can ask the agency to remove it. Or they can replace it with other cultural tours such as museum tour or anything else. However, visiting Borobudur will be a flawless experience as the tourists enjoy the site from the sunrise moment.

Borobudur Sunrise Tour from Yogyakarta

Located in Magelang, Borobudur is 3 hours from Yogyakarta. Though Magelang is basically not in the Yogyakarta region, it will be hard to avoid talking about Borobudur in the overall Yogyakarta tour. The tour will usually start after breakfast.

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta

The air-conditioned car and an experienced driver will pick the tourists up from the hotel. The rates of the Borobudur tour include the hotel, air-conditioned car, entrance ticket, and of course tour guide. The package will also include an additional temple tour. Borobudur sunrise tour from Yogyakarta is the star in the package.

Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta provide optional tour of Borobudur Sunrise. One of the most recommended viewpoints will be in Puntuk Setumbu. The 8th-century Buddhist relic with the hue of sunrise will be a spectacular view of photography. So, tourists should be sure they bring their cameras for this tour. The moment will be a serene moment that leaves a deep spiritual content for every heart. Just to sit and wait for the sunrise will be a priceless luxury. Tourists will see how Borobudur is a special place that brings people to a calm moment of the past.

After that, tourists can visit other places like the royal palace, batik museums, and the famous street of Malioboro. Though it is hard to leave Borobudur, people will find another luxury just by sitting by the Malioboro Street. The people of Yogyakarta are humble and honest. They keep the tradition but welcome visitors wholeheartedly. Borobudur sunrise tour is the main attraction. Yet, when tourists roam and meet the locals during the travel, they will find a strong connection. It is between the royal ambiance of Borobudur and the superb personalities of the people.

Borobudur Tour and Travel Agency

Today, people can easily plan a perfect holiday online. They can book rooms without dealing with a certain tour agency. Even, people can simply use an application to handle all the preparations. Yet, sometimes it is hard to do it flawlessly if it is for an international trip. It is recommended to use the service of an experienced tour planner to handle the preparation. For the specific tour of Borobudur Temple Tour from Jakarta, Java Travelline will be a great companion. The agent offers high-quality service for all clients. The rates are fair, and clients can ask for a tailored itinerary. In addition, the agency will do the best to ensure satisfaction. The service will be pleased to help customers in French, English or any other languages. Having years of experiences enables them to serve the most unforgettable tour for the valued clients. Contact the service to check the schedule.

How to Get to Borobudur?

Preparation is the best idea for a holiday plan. Therefore, it is necessary tourists find the best ways and transportation to reach Borobudur. There are various ways to choose from. Overnight trains are the easiest methods. Meanwhile, the overnight bus is also a comfortable idea. This is so because the highways are ready to provide a shortcut.

How to Get to Borobudur

How to Get to Borobudur

People can also reach the temple by private chartered cars or travel agent’s vans. How to get to BorobudurBorobudur temple tour from Jakarta is both comfortable and easy. Borobudur temple tour package from Jakarta will be the best idea for a family getaway.

From Jakarta, tourists can go to a province’s bus station. Some buses will be ready to take them to the nearest station from Borobudur. Tourists have to get the ticket from Jakarta to Magelang. It will be easier to reach Magelang directly rather than to stop at Yogyakarta. Therefore, tourists have to make sure they get the right ticket. The bust tickets to Magelang are available directly at the ticket booth. It is not possible to buy the ticket online. How to go to Borobudur by train? The overnight trains are the best options for solo travelers. The tickets are available online.

It is also possible that tourists buy the tickets right from the train station’s ticket booth. But tourists have to be careful since, during high seasons, the tickets can be sold out several days before the train departure. The train will depart from several train stations in Jakarta such as Pasar Senen or Jati Negara Train Stations. The trains will stop at Yogyakarta Train Station. After that, tourists will need to take a bus to Magelang. It takes at least two hours to go from Yogyakarta to Magelang. The train tickets are relatively cheaper.

Borobudur temple tour from Jakarta

Tourists have several options of how to go to Borobudur, yet the easiest way is to let the travel agent’s set the schedule and serve the transportation. Borobudur Temple is not around Jakarta. It is even located in Central Java. However, the beauty of Borobudur is worth visiting. People will get amazed with the architecture of Borobudur. Ever since the first time got the restoration, Borobudur had been becoming the icon of wonder in Indonesia, especially Central Java. The Dutch archeologist mentioned the excellent technology that made the temple that amazing. Some believe that some metaphysical powers helped the construction of Borobudur. Yet, scholars have provided several proves that show the certain techniques of material lifting and construction.

The Borobudur temple was found in a severely damaged condition. The Dutch scholars then tried hard to reconstruct the whole body of the temple. The temple that we see today is the product of reconstruction. It means, some of the materials were made of new stones and not the original materials. In addition, the Buddha sculptures around the temple are not in a perfect condition. Many of the heads were stolen and sold in the black market. Some of the temple’s parts are damaged due to natural conditions such as volcanic eruption. Due to the location, scholars predict that Mt. Merapi was responsible for the temple damages in the past.

However, the overall look is almost real. Some believe that the the temple has one more layer with exciting relief stories. The hidden layer shows the dark history of Javanese. But that remains a rumor. The dynasty of Borobudur construction year was also mysterious. Many theories show that the dynasti have the golden era and wise royal family. The strong tolerance made the temple be a great symbol of a great Buddhist kingdom.

Borobudur Temple Tour Package from Jakarta

How to get to Borobudur by plane? The temple is reachable by Jakarta-Yogyakarta flight as well. So, travelers can book the tickets online and make the tour more comfortable. It is easy now to get a full package of tour with the flight tickets included.

How to Get to Borobudur

How to Get to Borobudur

Or people can also use the packages promoted in an online traveling website. It takes less than an hour to fly from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. After that, tourists can go to Magelang by a rented car and a hired driver. The package of Borobudur temple tour from Jakarta includes a luxurious resort around Borobudur Temple.

Before choosing the resorts, tourists need to pick the right flight for Yogyakarta. Tourists can try Garuda Indonesia. It is a reliable domestic airway company in Indonesia. The quality is similar to Qantas domestic flight. Australians can book the ticket online. Yet, it will be easier for tourists to consult a trusted tour and travel agent to get the tickets included in the package. In addition, tourists can also use Air Asia. But the last flight will be at 04.00 pm. Tourists will not be able to complete the Borobudur tour at that hour. So, it will be good to take Garuda Indonesia instead

How to get to Borobudur by plane? The temple is reachable by Jakarta-Yogyakarta flight as well. So, travelers can book the tickets online and make the tour more comfortable. It is easy now to get a full package of tour with the flight tickets included. Or people can also use the packages promoted in an online traveling website. It takes less than an hour to fly from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. After that, tourists can go to Magelang by a rented car and a hired driver. The package of Borobudur temple tour from Jakarta includes a luxurious resort around Borobudur Temple.

Before choosing the resorts, tourists need to pick the right flight for Yogyakarta. Tourists can try Garuda Indonesia. It is a reliable domestic airway company in Indonesia. The quality is similar to Qantas domestic flight. Australians can book the ticket online. Yet, it will be easier for tourists to consult a trusted tour and travel agent to get the tickets included in the package. In addition, tourists can also use Air Asia. But the last flight will be at 04.00 pm. Tourists will not be able to complete the Borobudur tour at that hour. So, it will be good to take Garuda Indonesia instead

How to Get to Borobudur Without Drama?

It is never complicated to enjoy the Borobudur tour package. Everything is now available online. People need to only search for the best tour and travel agent to get the best service. The package will be tailored for each client. It means tourists can ask for a special tour package that fits their need. In addition, it is recommended that international travelers use the online tour and travel agent that specializes in Borobudur tour to help tourists. Contact the agent now and enjoy your holiday.

Yogyakarta Local Tours

Indonesia is famous for its genius artworks and performances. Internationally, Indonesia is well-known for the Batik fabric, fine arts, and of course the puppet show of Wayang. Those are the signature art of Indonesia that travelers will want to see and touch while spending a holiday in Indonesia. The most desirable destination to visit for that amazing thing is Yogyakarta. This unique region is the home of batik of all kinds and a superb Wayang performance. Tourists can go Yogyakarta local tours watching puppet show of Sonobudoyo and go to Kota Gede to meet the Batik industry in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta is always interesting for the youthful spirit and universities. Besides, it is the place where the royal atmosphere of Keraton is still in the air. People can always join royal festivals celebrating particular events in some months. Even, the royal families’ weddings are still celebrated with the complicated traditions, which are so much precious both for the locals and for the country. It will be thus splendid to go for Yogyakarta local tours for the artistic ambiance.

Wayang of Sonobudoyo

Yogyakarta local tours

Yogyakarta local tours

Wayang is a precious heritage of Indonesia. Mainly, the stories of Wayang (the puppet show) were collected from the myth and stories of India. However, the genius ancestors of Java had made some changes and improvements through the stories. Some even did the enculturation in order to customize the stories with the culture of Javanese. Wayang is so admirable for the critical message and the philosophy inside each story. Today, there are many puppet masters or Dalang perform improvised stories to insert the latest trending issues in Indonesia inside the performance.

Sonobudoyo Museum is dedicated to Wayang conservation. Nevertheless, there are many other items in the museum that tourists can see. For instance, we can find some Buddha statues and a patterned wooden gate at the museum. The place also has the library where collection of old books telling the history of Wayang are available. Some of the books are in Dutch, which is really interesting.

The most exciting show in this place is the Wayang performance which always can be added to Yogyakarta city tour package. Visitors only need to spare some of their pocket money to enjoy this amazing cultural show. The performance is held almost every day. Mostly, wayang is performed at least six hours in the evening. Even, some titles have to be performed through the night. However, the two hours show in Sonobudoyo will be enough to entertain the visitors.

Kota Gede Batik Tour

Yogyakarta local tours

Yogyakarta local tours

Making a trip to Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta would never be perfect without shopping Batik. The beautiful art and technique of applying wax to generate a beautiful pattern in a piece of fabric. There are countless patterns of Batik with unlimited colors to admire. And all of those patterns have the meaning and message. That is the art and magic in Batik. Today, Batik is not only a piece of fabric worn for festive occasions, but it is also part of growing fashion trend that can be worn just at any time. For a formal event, Batik can give a more considerable charm for the people wearing it. Additionally, Batik looks special for sacred and important in a momentous event. Those who are representing Indonesia in the international events will feel proud to wear Batik.

As part of Yogyakarta tour itinerary, there are genuinely places in Yogyakarta and Java where tourists can learn and see the precious collections of Batik. Yet, in Kota Gede, the experience will be more fun. In Kota Gede, tourists can visit the local Batik artists that carefully craft the pattern one by one. Visitors can try making Batik and observe the entire processes for creating Batik. Besides, tourists can buy Batik with the most desirable quality in the place.

Today, designers explore more Batik as the primary material for garments and various fashion accessories. Additionally, Batik is popular because international celebrities start wearing it. So, it is a splendid idea to visit a place where Batik is produced. Right on the hands of the specialists, a plain fabric can look precious and be more striking.

Visiting Kota Gede and learn how to make Batik is totally an extraordinary experience. It will be amazing to appreciate senior artists do the crafting in detail. Batik making needs patience and high craftsmanship. The whole processes show that a piece of Batik is truly priceless. And to spend some hours in Kota Gede will be exciting.

Yogyakarta local tours offer fabulous heritage sites, museums, and cool places to visit. It has the fabulous Wayang Kulit Sonobudoyo (the Javanese Puppet Show Museum). Besides, the industry centers like Kota Gede are also amazing in terms of tourist facility. Any type of accommodation from artistic hotels to low budget homestays can be found easily in Kota Gede. Everything in Yogyakarta is made for royal and artistic concepts. Those who admire comfort and luxury in the simplest way, Yogyakarta is just the place.

Check some of tour packages that include some Yogyakarta local tours for your holiday plan.