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Ijen Volcano Visit; True Colorful Adventure in National Parks

Ijen Volcano Visit

Ijen Volcano Visit

What do you know about Ijen Volcano? Some people only know this volcano from the Blue Fire phenomenon. Some others love the turquoise lake that is the iconic site of the volcano. But more than that, it is a great volcano in which people can enjoy a breathtaking scenery and sunrise. Both of which are the perfect to reduce stresses. People all know health is very much valuable. When people suffer from a stressful life, there will be various health problems attack. People can suffer from a mild anxiety to a severe stroke once they suffer from stress. Therefore, it is important people take a deep breath and enjoy the Ijen volcano visit. This tour to Ijen with medium trekking can change the life of tourists.

Ijen Volcano Tour

Ijen Volcano Tour

How to get to Ijen Crater from Surabaya with a safe public transportation? It is a good question. Sometimes, people do not have much time to arrange their vacation. When they have to leave spontaneously, they need to know the best way to reach Ijen.. Ijen is located in one of the famous national parks in East Java. Therefore, the road access to the site is not that hard. People can simply take a Damri bus from the airport to the Purabaya bus station. There is no direct bus to get to Banyuwangi from Surabaya. Therefore, taking fast and limited bus (read: patas in local term) to Jember is the best. From Jember, tourist can continue to Banyuwangi by economy bus. In Banyuwangi can choose to stay in a confortable hotel before starting tour to Ijen. From the hotel, tourist can rent the off-road vehicles will pick the tourists to the nearest point for Ijen trekking.

Going to Ijen by public transportation is easy and economical. However, for tourists who find it hard to speak Indonesian, they can book the tour online from the travel agency. They can simply inform the travel agent to pick up and drop off in the desired location.

Ijen Tour Price

It is amazing to know the Ijen tour price from Surabaya is inexpensive. That will include the transportation, tour guide, and the accommodation as well. The car is air-conditioned and well-maintained. Therefore, it will be easy to just sit and enjoy the travel while the expert driver heads to Ijen. The price is even more affordable for backpackers going with a group of five or more. However, the service will never be disappointing. Tailored accommodations are ready if tourists want to get everything meets their taste.

Ijen Volcano Visit

Ijen Volcano Visit

Ijen is located around Situbondo and Banyuwangi. The locations are rich in plantations of various kinds of fruits and other commodities. People will see green plantation along the ways. They regions have a vast area of coffee and cocoa. Those two commodities are the best. The products are all in high quality because of the soil. The locations are perfect for plantations because of the fertile soil due to the eruption of the volcanic mountain. The colonialism was responsible for the development of plantations around those places. The areas are the samples of good heritage of colonialism in Indonesia.


How to Get to Ijen Crater from Surabaya?

Ijen volcano visit is never boring because of the challenging route. It will take three hours or more to reach the crater (from Banyuwangi), in which the blue lake is located. To get to Ijen Crater from Surabaya will be so much fun. The travel might take some times. Yet, the driver will drive the car carefully, so tourists can get some comfortable rest on the way. If it is a midnight tour, the tourists will not have to drop by the hotel before climbing the volcano. They will go straightforwardly to Ijen. However, that will not be tiring because it takes only less than 4 hours.

Ijen Crater is amazing and it will be so much beautiful to see the landscape and meet the locals. A small detail on Ijen tour will bring a sweet memory for the tourists. They should treasure the moment when they meet the humble sulfur chunk miners. Besides, it will be great to spend a little time resting in a small coffee shop on their way back. The coffee of Ijen can be one of the best in the world. Besides, tourists have to take their time while getting pleasure in the remarkable view of Ijen.

The Special Cuisines of Java

Ijen Volcano Visit

Ijen Volcano Visit

People will be surprised that there is a huge different of cuisines in each region in Java. So, the same foods in the Central Java will taste differently when served with East Java styles. The same things occur with the Bali cuisines. Banyuwangi special dishes will taste different from those of Bali though some of the foods might have the same ingredients.

Tourists need to try a bite of the special dishes while taking the tour. In Central Java, Gudeg is the king. Meanwhile, Soto and Rujak are the special dishes of East Java. However, it is a little bit shocking that in Banyuwangi, Soto and Rujak are mixed together in one big bowl. The flavour is unbelievably amazing. Besides, there are also special drinks that tourists can order in the restaurants and hotels.

Ijen volcano visit will truly give people a feeling of blessed. People will be grateful to see that amazing natural wonder. Besides, the tourists will find a spectacular fanciness when they go up the volcano with the their mates. It is a brilliant idea to go to this place to spend a new year holiday. People do not have to wait for the new year sunrise at the summit. Yet, they will not regret to spend their priceless holiday in Ijen volcano.

In addition, there are various other beautiful places around Ijen. People can take their time bicycling around Kalibaru Village to enjoy the fresh air. Besides, it will be romantic to visit Sukamade Beach after Ijen tour. Banyuwangi will never fail to serve the most unforgettable journey for all tourists. Each place is unique and wonderful. The Ijen volcano visit should be on your wishlist for this new year holiday. Hit the quote button for your dream tour.


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