Tag Archive for: White water rafting

Pekalen River Rafting, an Outdoor Tour

It will be so much rewarding if we can visit two or more tourist destinations within one trip. Some tours can give us that brilliant chance. It provides wonderful experience with the sunrise tour with a superb view. Besides, it is awesome that this tour package will add extended service to Pekalen River rafting adventure and Ijen excursion. The package can start with the sunrise tour. And the surprising thing is that we can actually get three natural beauties at the same time. Going rafting near Bromo is something special because we will end the journey in adventurous water sport. The splash of the water will surely give us the joy instantly.

white water rafting

white water rafting

Before anything else, let’s check whether this is the place that we are searching for. Whether we have known about the place or not, we need to make sure that we can have fun over there. Pekalen River is located one hour from Bromo area. The river offers Pekalen River rafting that is popular among adventure lovers. Basically, this river is an irrigation property. But this is Indonesia. Everything can be beautiful in this paradise country. We will be surprised to know that the irrigation property turns out to be that stunning. In only a few years, this venue becomes one of the most visited tourist destination in Probolinggo. Rafting feels more dramatic in this venue.

It takes 12 km to go through the rafting track. The stream is mild though there are at least 30 main currents. The journey will last for 2 and a half hour. Even, with a slower speed, it will take 3 hours. Will that be a boring rafting with that long duration? Well, for most travelers, this will be an experience of a lifetime. It will leave a deep impact physically and mentally.

What do you get from Bromo Songa Rafting?

At first, we might feel that the volcano tour will be a common, tiring travel type that is hard to go through. Many vacation portals often place volcano tour in the outdoor activity for hikers. But this will be different. We do not have to bring a big carrier bag to go the destinations. It is a short tour with unending enjoyment. The tour that includes Pekalen River rafting is a good choice for all kinds of travelers. The venue is nice for a corporate tour. People can show their courage and strength in this venue though they might be slow in some presentations in their companies. Besides, a boss and employees will shout out loud together. That will be awesome.

bromo tour and pekalen rafting (songa rafting)

bromo tour and pekalen rafting (songa rafting)

Some tourists found it too slow because of their expertise in rafting sport. However, when it is for beginners, the stream is challenging enough. Additionally, rafting will be fun since they do not have to struggle too much with the extreme current. Eventually, the scenery around is breathtaking. That will make the tour closed perfectly. The short trekking to start Pekalen River rafting will be a precious experience for an adventurous tour.

Rafting is not an individual sport. It is a team sport. Therefore, it will sharpen our social skill. It feels different when we have to survive with a group of people. It can even reveal a real personality of someone; in case we want to check someone’s sincerity in treating us. In addition, this Pekalen Rafting tour will give a better cooperation lesson for a group of tourist. This includes trust and loyalty as well. Pekalen River rafting can be our alterative Year End outdoor tour as well.

How to Book

We all know that rafting is a fun water sport. Besides physical refreshment, we will obtain some other benefits though. It will change out mentality. We will be more courageous once we finished the track. We will increase our adrenaline and get a new start for daily routine. Whitewater rafting near Madakaripura is a good escape for a stressful routine.

There are many reviews that we can get through the tourism portal online. For this tour, the reviews are positive. The rate of this rafting is medium. So, beginners can try it for fun. The track is medium as well. The water temperature can be cold in some seasons. However, Indonesia has a full year sun that makes the tour pleasant. Besides, it has a good spot of surrounding view. That will even add the experience of this tour. In conclusion, this Bromo featuring Pekalen Tour is for everyone who admires trekking, rafting, and hiking. It includes all outdoor activities around volcano. The scenery is no joke around Bromo Volcano. The smoking volcano looks extraordinarily breathtaking as the sun creates a tangerine ambiance in the blue sky. That will be a sweet closure of the entire tour of Bromo rafting.

It will be as easy as making a phone call to book a tour package of Pekalen River rafting and Ijen. Even, today we can contact the trusted service via WhatsApp and get everything done in a minute. What are you waiting for? Plan your seamless outdoor adventure now!